How to Manage your Finances in 2019

The management of finances is a big part of successful budgeting. If you are having trouble managing your finances, we have constructed a guide that can help you be more effective at it.

How to successfully manage your finances in 2019

Here are a few tips on how you can make sure you can manage your finances. 

Analyze your financial situation

This means knowing your net worth. This would enable you to know if you would need to gain more funds, if you are doing fine or if you have a lot of extra funds.

To know your financial situation, you list down all your financial assets and liabilities.  Assets are things that have a cash value and would add to your net worth. Liabilities are expenses, bills and anything that would take away from your net worth. Once you come up with your financial situation you will be able to better see how you can manage your finances.

Make a budget and stick to it

A budget is a means to track your income and expenses and how much savings you have at the end of each month. You can also use your budget to set financial goals for yourself. 

Manage your debt

This is something that many Filipinos have a hard time doing. Many people tend to lose track of debt, forgetting that they owe money to a friend, colleague or financial institution. Managing finances would include taking debt into account. Having minimal to no debt would be a positive indication that your financial situation is good.

Find a good place to invest

Investing your money is a crucial part of managing your finances. If you can invest your money successfully, your money will be the one to earn for itself. Meaning, you will be able to see returns of your investment even with minimal effort. Start a small business, invest in stocks and bonds, find a way to make your money work for you, instead of the other way around.

Take out a life insurance policy online

Taking out a life insurance policy is a very effective way to invest your money. It is a good investment for beginners because there is little risk that you will lose money in the process. You can now take out a life insurance policy online.

The website would have packages for healthcare and life insurance that will help you manage your finances well because you will not go broke trying to stay healthy and during emergencies.  Insurance will help you manage your funds because it will give you the security of knowing that you have money set aside that is outside from your savings account. You can use this money in times of need and when you would need extra money during an emergency.

The best thing about it is, you do not need to wait in line or wait too long to get insured because you can do it online at!

Plan for your retirement

This is another aspect you need to plan out very well. Now that you are working and have the funds available, you should think about how to save for your retirement. You cannot be relying on your family when you are old. You will need money on your own. Your life insurance can include a benefit for retirement, and you can also take out several bank products for this too.

Managing your finances is easy, as long as you take some time to sit down and think about your financial situation first. IF you see that you would need more funds, stop spending on things you do not need for a while and only focus on needs. When you will have more money to spare, you will thank yourself for having the discipline to resist the temptation for a better financial future.

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One Comment

  1. I’m so happy reading articles about investments. Until now I don’t have any regrets availing my lifetime insurance with Manila Bankers

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